The Success
They encourage the brainiest individuals in their companies to stay fit and to eat well by creating facilities which promote a healthy lifestyle.
Fitness for Success
There isn’t necessarily a direct connection between basketball, soccer, or tennis and money unless you are playing in the big leagues. Most people can’t make those sorts of claims and, even if they could, this would eliminate a big group of wealthy, successful women. Women’s professional sports isn’t nearly as lucrative as men’s versions.
Instead, consider another way that sports such as basketball, soccer, tennis, and martial arts intersect. Participating in any one of them could increase your creativity and lower your stress: here are some reasons why.
Mental Agility
Learning to play a new sport or taking part in a brand new athletic activity involves some re-training of muscles and of the mind. There are new routines, new skills, and a set of rules to understand, adding to the existing collection of rules, routines, and skills one has already learned. Doctors and psychiatric professionals agree that a mind can continue to grow and develop when challenged even as a person becomes older. The brain will also lose flexibility, and one becomes forgetful, even to an alarming extent, perhaps developing Dementia when that grey matter is not used to its fullest extent. That’s why brain puzzles such as Acrostics, Sudoku, and Kakuro are recommended for older people.
When one is young enough to tackle a new and potentially grueling sport, with no health issues to cause concern, basketball is an excellent choice. One must be aware of movement on three sides of his or her body plus the goal ahead and players waiting for the pass. There are several new skills to learn and rules about ball handling plus game-play to memorize. Add the fitness factor, and you are onto something good. Very little equipment is required. For more basketball tips, check out Vert Shock Review website.
Fitness and Focus
While not directly responsible for mental agility, a strong body is feeding the brain as it does to every other system and organ. Regular exercise promotes circulation which increases the flow of oxygen to muscles and organs, the brain included. With improved circulation, a person also feels more alert; less foggy and tired than before. It is a strange reality, but tiring out the muscles with a game of tennis before work or during the lunch hour is a way to energize the brain. Also, when muscles are tired and able to rest, it’s far easier to concentrate on sedentary work such as sitting to read or write; to troubleshoot and create. Stiff muscles craving movement are no longer a distraction.
Mental and Physical Health
Depression is the scourge of would-be successful individuals. If only they would understand how important exercise is to hormones, they would be working out right now to reduce anxiety and defeat depression. Of course, getting started is the hardest part, so it’s even better if one can prevent depression and anxiety or simply offset overwhelming stress by staying fit. Exercise causes the body to release chemicals that fight stress, improve one’s mood, and lead to an overall sense of balance in that part of the brain responsible for moods.
When you are sad, angry, or stressed, it’s tempting to eat poorly, drink too much alcohol, or make other bad choices about what goes into your mouth (too much coffee, sugar, or illegal drugs). All of these create a vicious cycle of disturbed digestion, mental fog, and/or agitation. They do the blood sugar no good and can lead to serious illness such as stroke, heart attack, or a seizure. In the workplace, they aren’t helping a person tackle the next big problem, and one enormous issue could be enough to send this person into cardiac arrest. Weight gain slows you down. Arteries clog, reducing blood flow to the brain, creating interference in the release of hormones and chemicals that fight mental illness – and that’s only some of what goes on. Imagine trying to maintain a successful business from a hospital bed or while worrying about a diagnosis.
Productivity in the Work Place
A direct correlation has been developed between physical and mental fitness and productivity on the job. Fit employees are happy. They turn up for work more often than their unfit, sick colleagues. They cope better with stress and fight illness more readily. Naturally energized, they readily take on new challenges. These individuals are confident, positive, and spread similar feelings among the people they work with as well as customers. Clients call them “can-do” people and are more willing to invest their money. All-in-all, a smart business person who wants to get the most out of his or her employees, finds ways to promote good health at work.
Work Place Provisions
This boss does not just organize team-building days, although those are fun. The staff room is stocked with healthy snacks, and there is an on-site cafeteria providing balanced meals low in refined carbohydrates, sodium, and bad fats. An on-site fitness room enables employees to get their half hour of daily exercise without losing all of their lunch hour to get to and from the gym, and lunch might even be extended to make allowances for eating and showering on top of that much-needed fitness break.
A very large facility has space for a small gymnasium where colleagues challenge each other to games of basketball or take part in regularly scheduled Tai Chi classes every Wednesday, yoga on Thursdays, for example. A squash court built adjacent to the gymnasium gives employees the chance to take part in heavy-duty competition. A rock-climbing wall encourages internal competition. It’s like the business world, played out on a small scale and for the good of employees. In the long run, though, everyone benefits. Good employees, valued staff members, are loyal to the firm and they feel like the boss really cares about them, not just the bottom line.
But what if you have a mediocre job but your fitness levels are more than average. Maybe you have the whole exercise thing down, but not so much the success part. Luckily there are plenty of mentors on the internet with valuable information. Like The 67 Steps Review – Tai Lopez for example. He has great insights into the habits of successful people, the best self-help books and more.